In The Studio Art of the Craft - Anatomy of a Hit: A Conversation with SaLaAM ReMI

Being a voting member of The Recording Academy has benefits well beyond the ability to vote for the Grammy Awards. One member benefit we are afforded is the opportunity to interact with and learn from our heroes and role models via conversations and small group discussions. Last night's event, hosted by the New York Chapter of the Recording Academy titled "The Anatomy of A Hit - A Conversation with SaLaAM ReMI", was no exception. 

While SaLaAM has many hits to his credit for his work as a producer/engineer with NAS, Fugees, Corinne Bailey Rae, Amy Winehouse ETC., the big takeaway, from his conversation with James McKinney, was the idea that we can all inspire each other. ReMI spoke of creating an environment where honesty, integrity and the organic development of ideas spark more ideas. Each of us has something within us that is great. When we are given the chance to find our "thing" it becomes our responsibility to use it for good and to inspire others to do the same.

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